Rudy – Not The Good One

Once upon a time there was a movie about an under size Catholic boy who wanted nothing more than to fulfill his dream of playing football for Notre Dame. Though he lacked the size, the athletic prowess and even the grades, he pursued his goal with dogged determination. Finally in the last game of his college career, he is allowed to play in a game because his teammates want to honor his sacrifice and bravery in achieving his goal. That was the movie Rudy, hard working, determined, ethical and self sacrificing. Then there’s Rudy Giuliani.

Much like Gollum of Lord of the Rings fame, Rudy Giuliani slinks onto our television screen hissing his profound love and admiration for his “precious”, Donald Trump. It makes one want to Windex the TV screen after Giuliani finishes his interview. The slime coming through the airwaves is that thick. I’ve yet to figure out a way to “unhear” his vitriol.

In Giuliani’s most recent round of TV fame, he is caught on tape by that great imposter Borat attempting to “tuck in his shirt”. Giuliani is seen in the film clip lying on his back in bed with his hand clearly in his pants. The occasion for this inappropriate behavior is his belief that he is being interviewed by a fifteen year old. I expect he will trot out the line “we are all sinners” that he used to excuse the Donald’s tape that revealed to the world the Donald’s profound “respect” for women. Looks like Giuliani has the same level of respect for women as the Donald and Jeffrey Epstein.

Giuliani is three times married, though a “practicing” Catholic. At one point in his first marriage he even had his wife and mistress living in the same house. I guess that was to show his fiscal responsibility to his new Republican mentors. Of course the fact that his first marriage was to his second cousin could have been a shout out to the Donald’s most loyal followers.

Giuliani started out as a Democrat, but migrated to becoming a Republican as the power shifted in Washington. Ever the toady, ever currying favor, even his own mother denounced his ideological shift, “He only became a Republican after he began to get all these jobs from them. He’s definitely not a conservative Republican. He thinks he is, but he isn’t. He still feels very sorry for the poor.” Of course Giuliani might be lying to his Mamma too.

Marketing himself as “America’s Mayor” and never failing to drag 9-11 into the conversation, Giuliani has attempted to run unsuccessfully for assorted offices, including the Presidency. There are reams of information detailing Giuliani’s failures with regard to 9-11 and its cleanup. Let’s just say he wasn’t on the side of the first responders or the victims.

Now we come to the point in Giuliani’s career where he has become chief apologist/explainer double naught spy for the Donald. I can only assume that the post of Attorney General (after Billy Barr has been dismissed) has been promised to Rudy for the continual wading through the septic tank of the Donald’s life.

While enduring yet another explanation from Giuliani of why he and the Donald should be forgiven for their trespasses; why we should ignore the Donald’s and Rudy’s words and try to divine what they were actually thinking, or God forbid, what the Donald or Rudy felt in their hearts? I am continually baffled by the Trumpinista’s ability to overlook the explicit sexism promoted by the Trump camp. It seems that all middle age white men should be forgiven their transgressions, even sexual assault. It’s God’s plan, right?

At a time when crazy QAnon cannibalistic pedophile rings are being promoted amongst the Trump camp, why are these followers ignoring all of the smoke coming from the Trump camp? Trump, Epstein, Rudy? More importantly, Trump has had four years and the full weight of America’s might to crush this fantasy ring, what’s caused the delay? Too busy curing Covid?

Again, I am at a loss as to why the media is not forcing the Trump campaign more aggressively on the issue. Certainly the Giuliani piece of the puzzle poses a big enough target for the talking heads to attack without having to confront the Donald directly.

Maybe like the movie Rudy, the media admires Giuliani’s plucky spirit too much to discuss his shortcomings. /s

This will be over soon, and with luck it will be at least four more years before Giuliani slithers out from under his rock and hits the airwaves again. I am hopeful that it will be more like 10-20 years.

Eleven more days to go.

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