The Crystal Palace

The action continues as senior Elder Buster Cheatle continues to push the boundaries of legal and ethical to ensure that the message and values of the Hawker family are spread far and wide. The Little Church Network explodes the fame of the ministry by televising the services worldwide. A Christian based theme park brings millions to the area. The brand recognition is phenomenal, and everyone associated with the church prospers. 


  • Better than the original (and I loved the original)
  • Keenum is a master wordsmith who has constructed a narrative that keeps the reader turning the page.
  • Keenum uses an appealing mixture of both subtle and laugh out loud humor to tell this story of a faltering church and its board of Elders facing tough decisions for their old church in a new world. Besides the writing— which is just plain entertaining— the story arc kept me engaged from start to finish.

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